4 panel mosaic of the Sadr (Gamma Cygni) region including reflection nebula 6914 (to the right)
Nebulosity around the constellation Cygnus is commonly imaged with narrowband filters which is especially good for isolating the hydrogen emission nebula. This image, however, is taken as broad “white light” unfiltered with a color camera. So these colors are very “real” in the sense that the this camera resembles the color response of the human eye. The big difference is the longer exposure which is reveals more color and nebulosity than we could otherwise see in real time. This requires a very dark sky which is what we had at the 2014 Texas Star Party where this was captured.
Celestron RASA 11 f/2.2
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
QHY11 Color
30 x 120 seconds for each panel